This is section is meant to provide information material to build your impact creation capabilities. This section is divided into three main section: Research on Impact, Communication Skills, and Books on Impact.
Research on Impact
Simon, H. 1967. The business school: A problem in organization design. Journal of Management Studies, 4(1): 1–16.
Bennis, W. G., & O’Toole, J. 2005. How business schools lost their way. Harvard Business Review, May.
Khurana, R., & Spender, J. C. 2012. Herbert A. Simon on What Ails Business Schools: More than “A Problem in Organizational Design.” Journal of Management Studies, 49(May): 619–639.
Eckhardt, J., & Wetherbe, J. C. 2014. Making business school research more relevant. Harvard Business Review.
Toffel, M. W. 2016. Enhancing the Practical Relevance of Research. Production and Operations Management, 25(9): 1493–1505.
Barrett, H. 2018, July 5. Elite business schools are tone deaf to criticism. Financial Times.
Shapiro, D. L., & Kirkman, B. 2018. It’s Time to Make Business School Research More Relevant. Harvard Business Review.
Harley, B. 2019. Confronting the Crisis of Confidence in Management Studies: Why Senior Scholars Need to Stop Setting a Bad Example. Academy of Management Learning & Education, (In Press): amle.2018.0107.
Sharma, G., & Bansal, P. (Tima). 2020. Cocreating Rigorous and Relevant Knowledge. Academy of Management Journal, 63(2): 386–410.
Tihanyi, L. (2020). From “That’s Interesting” to “That’s Important.” Academy of Management Journal, 63(2), 329–331.
Fisher, Greg. “Why Every Business Professor Should Write Practitioner-Focused Articles.” Business Horizons 63, no. 4 (July 1, 2020): 417–19.
Blending Research, Journalism, and Community Expertise: A Case Study of Coproduction in Research Communication
Davies, J., Yarrow, E., & Syed, J. (2020). The curious under‐representation of women impact case leaders: Can we disengender inequality regimes?. Gender, Work & Organization, 27(2), 129-148.
Cho, C.H., Kim, A., Rodrigue, M. and Schneider, T. (2020), "Towards a Better Understanding of Sustainability Accounting and Management Research and Teaching in North America: A Look at the Community", Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 11(6), 985-1007.
Introducing Impact (2022) Business & Society:
Pimentel, E., Cho, C.H. & Bothello, J. (forthcoming) The blind spots of interdisciplinarity in addressing grand challenges. Critical Perspectives on Accounting.
Communications Skills
Hoffman, A., et al. (2015) Academic Engagement in Public and Political Discourse: Proceedings of the Michigan Meeting, May 2015 (Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan Publishing)
Hoffman, A. (2016) “Academia's emerging crisis of relevance and the consequent role of the engaged scholar,” Journal of Change Management, 16(2): 77-96
Hoffman, A. (2015) “Isolated scholars: Making bricks, not shaping policy,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, February 9.
Engaged Scholar by Andy Hoffman:
Responsible Management Education (2021) by The PRME Global Movement:
Books in Impact
Note: You find further information material on the page of other impact organisations such as the Impact Scholar Community